Outsourced marketing manager with hourly billing

Are you not too keen on recruiting a marketer or coordinating freelancers? Wannado's Outsourced marketing manager is a flexible solution for any growth company! No fixed expenses, no commitments, no hiring risk.

Save time, money and nerves

The marketing manager will take care of large or small projects according to your needs. You can focus on your customers.

Strategy and planning

A marketing strategy, social media calendar, campaign or content plan based on your business goals. If needed, we will also take care of the implementation.


Wannado's marketing manager is not just another hand-waver, as they can make things happen too. Backed by the resources of a full-service digital agency.

Campaigns and launches

Is there a big launch or a new market takeover ahead? Scaling and supporting especially international operations is our specialty.

Employer branding and recruitment marketing

Especially in the IT sector, attracting the right talent is vital. Wannado has experienced marketing and comms experts who specialize in this.

Valitse markkinointipäällikkösi


Clarissa Räty

Strategisen ja kansainvälisen brändimarkkinoinnin tekijä palveluksessanne! Clarissalla on taskussaan vuosien kokemus niin pörssiyhtiöistä kuin kasvuyrityksistäkin.



Jenny Mäkelä

Eikö yrityksesi löydy Googlella? Haluaisitko ottaa haltuun monikanavaisen sisältömarkkinoinnin? Jenny tuntee hakukoneoptimoinnin ja sisältöstrategian viimeisimmät trendit.



Noora Blomqvist

Tekkialan kampanjointi, PPC, SEM ja webanalytiikka ovat Nooran erikoisalaa. Hän on datavetoisen markkinoinnin ja tiedolla johtamisen kokenut asiantuntija.



Tanja Heiskanen

Tanjalta löytyy järjestö- ja hankekokemusta. Saisiko olla vaikuttajaviestintää, jäsenviestintää, tai vaikka ihan vaikuttajamarkkinointia? Kuusamolaisena Tanjalla on myös vahva näkemys matkailualan markkinoinnista.

Let's go!
An experienced professional will help

Outsourced marketing manager gets to it:

Website project? It runs on an agreed schedule and budget.
Brand management: what, why, how, core messages and target groups.
Coordination and quality control of international partners.
Training for you and your team according to your individual needs.
Leading with data: putting the metrics of marketing in order.

Why is an outsourced marketing manager a good idea?

Wannado tietokone

Make marketing easy, effective and risk-free

No commitments, no fixed fees and no starting costs. 10 minutes billing accuracy means you only pay for the work done.

Avoid recruitment risks and HR burden

You don't know how much work there is? Employment has its risks. We are flexible without notice!

Stop coordinating freelancers and multiple different partners

Are you tired of managing multiple projects with different partners and freelancers? Use your own time better, the marketing manager will take care of project communications!

A lady with long dark hair is posing for the camera

Wannado is a flexible partner for an international growth company

We are an agency that is as easy as working with a freelancer. In our view, rigid packages are too often a bottleneck to growth when outsourcing should be driving growth.

Our mission is to support any company looking to expand in Europe or the Nordics. We are originally from Finland, but serve as your boots on the ground in Europe. We conduct market research and provide everything you need in your European marketing and sales operation.


Your outsourced marketing manager can start already this week.