What should your company publish in Tiktok 2024?

Mariel Rimpelä
What should your company publish in Tiktok 2024?

Consider your company's target audience in Tiktok

Creating successful TikTok marketing requires in-depth knowledge of your target audience, creativity in content production, and constant monitoring of trends and learning new things. It is also important to understand the platform's operating logic, its user base and to keep up with changing trends.
Although Tiktok's main audience is young people, it should not be thought of as an app only for children and young people. Tiktok's popularity is constantly growing. Now is the best time to use this state of video formats as part of your company's marketing strategy!

As with any other marketing activity, your company needs to consider the target audience for TikTok. It's important to understand what kind of content will appeal and interest your target audience. This will ensure that your content resonates with your target audience in the best possible way.

Longer videos

  • The maximum length of videos has been increased to 15 minutes and in 2024 TikTok will favour longer videos.
  • Your business should take advantage of longer videos by telling stories about your brand, products or services, for example. Also, be bold and bring people to the fore!
  • Favouring longer videos gives your business more room for creativity and the opportunity to tell your brand story in a more in-depth and engaging way.
  • The longer people spend on your company's content, the more exposure your channel will get on that platform.

A hook that grabs the viewer's attention

As the length of your videos increases, it's important to keep them snappy and engaging. The first few seconds of a video are crucial. TikTok's algorithm favours videos that grab the viewer's attention from the start. Therefore, it is important to create an interesting hook that makes the viewer stop and continue watching the video. A hook can be used to arouse interest and create expectations about what will happen next in the video.

Relatable content

TikTok is powered by authentic and relatable content. Rather than companies focusing on perfectly polished promotional videos, a more relaxed and rosy style has proven to be the most effective way to reach audiences on TikTok.

Behind-the-scenes footage offers a unique perspective on your business and helps connect with viewers. Challenges and other interactions with followers are also excellent ways to engage audiences and generate interest.

TikTok users appreciate the authenticity and spontaneity of content, so a casual style often works better than overly polished content. Your company doesn't necessarily need to create expensive and time-consuming perfect promotional videos for TikTok, but can focus on creating content that is as honest, authentic and relatable as possible. So make your company's content as personal as possible and let your brand character shine through!

Video subtitling

Video subtitling has become an important part of TikTok content. Not only does it make your videos more accessible to hearing-impaired viewers, but it also keeps viewers hooked. Users may be browsing the TikTok feed silently, so subtitles allow your content to be delivered without sound. This way, users won't skip your video because it needs to be watched with sound.
Whether it's humorous dialogue, educational videos or product demonstrations, subtitles help viewers better understand and internalise the content of the video.
In addition, subtitling can help improve the discoverability of videos on the platform. TikTok's algorithm analyses subtitles to understand the content of videos and recommend them to the right audience. Thus, the use of subtitles can improve the visibility of your videos to a wider audience. The words used in subtitles may be the same words that users use to search for content in TikTok and therefore it pays to use them.

Captioning your videos shows that your company is sensitive to different audiences and strives to provide the most enjoyable viewing experience for all.

TikTok recommendations

TikTok recommendations are important to consider, as they will help your content achieve greater visibility and engage more viewers. The platform's recommendations are based on the features and content types that have recently received a positive response from users. For example, in early 2024, TikTok has recommended the creation of photo carousels.
Please take note of the recommendations and try implementing them.

TikTok's algorithm favours content that takes advantage of the latest platform features.
However, keep in mind that TikTok's recommendations will change as the platform evolves and user behaviour patterns change. It is therefore a good idea to stay up to date with platform updates so that you can make the most of them. Most importantly, create content that benefits, entertains and/or engages your target audience. Follow TikTok's official channels and stay tuned for new features and recommendations!

Need help with Tiktok marketing?

Contact us and we'll be happy to help you plan and implement Tiktok content for your business!

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